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CONTAINS: Approx 400gr

Yellow vine heirloom tomatoes are a sunny delight, with their vibrant yellow color and elongated shape. These tomatoes offer a subtly sweet flavor balanced with a hint of tanginess, making them perfect for slicing fresh in salads or enjoying as a colorful topping on sandwiches.


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So what is an heirloom tomato anyway???

The seeds are what make an heirloom tomato an heirloom tomato. Passed down from season to season, farmers select seeds from the most exceptional plants, ensuring unique traits like unparalleled juiciness, vibrant colors, and distinctive flavors. Often open-pollinated, heirloom tomatoes benefit from natural pollination by birds, insects, wind, or human hands, preserving their pure, unaltered DNA. With a stunning array of colours, textures, sizes, and flavours, heirloom tomatoes stand out as a testament to nature’s diversity and the art of traditional farming.

Health benefits:

  • Exceptional source of vitamin C, boosting your immune system
  • Promotes cardiovascular health with rich potassium content
  • Packed with lycopene, a powerful antioxidant known for cancer prevention
  • Supports overall wellness with a wealth of essential nutrients


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